
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

gribble grumble fuss find fault criminate prostest etc etc

i have a loooong post that i started even before kyckstart...but i cant be bothered to finish it...i will tho...sometime soon!

and yeh...im procrasinating atm...i have all this stuff due but i want to sit here doing nothing but whine and complain about the work i have...and go on and on about stuff...random boring stuff like the questions in the online open book exam i did...i mean who thinks of these questions?:

Tardive dyskinesia
a. can be safely ignored as it will disappear once tolerance develops
b. is the term used to describe difficulty initiating movement
c. is related to insufficient dopamine binding to receptors
d. is an extrapyramidal effect of the anxiolytics
e. is reversible

a. is a NSAID
b. is an muscarinic antagonist
c. interacts with the precentral gyrus
d. causes ototoxcin (or something like that)
e. should be taken after dinner

(i made up the largactil one...but largactil does exist...and the question was essentially the same)

and i dont know who was evil enough to decide this but i have FOUR assessments due on the 26th of may...thats right FOUR (4) ALL DUE on the SAME DAY...it's like they WANT to make it hard for us...i betcha they sit there scheming, thinking of ways to make our lives complicated and as crazy as possible...coz they KNOW we're procrasinators...they know it! they know we dont like to do work, especially essays...so what do they do? make our lives hard for us! thats what! we pay thousands of dollars for lecturers and those uni ppl who design courses to make our lives tiring.

ok...yeh i know...im being really pessimistic...and really lazy...and really evil...and really unappreciative of my course and even having the freedom/means to go to university...and im sure that there are many university students who are in the same boat, if not an even worser boat than mine...

actually i think ive reversed psychologised myself to do work...ahahah...

it's good to do work...uni isnt that bad...im just a habitually lazy person who is carelessly throwing her opportunity to the best she can at university...*sigh...makes me feel bad now...really guilty...almost to the point of deleting this post...coz yeh...u know...whatever ive said is rather...demeaning? no...whats the word...um...unappreciative comes to mind...um...discouraging!? yeh...ive been so...mean?...but yes it makes me want to work! im going to do work now! work hard everyone! coz yeh...i am!

*happy birthday cindy!*


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