
Friday, July 21, 2006


grrr...the next time im going for my p's...it will be in the middle of summer so that the chances of it pouring will be a big fat ZERO...(if you havent picked up already i FAILED)

it seriously stinks in this room...really bad B.O and deoderant...that 'brut' one in the green can? arrgh...it's disgusting...

yay! one of the people i suspected of stinking left the room...and it's kinda better...i can still smell the deo tho...im thinking maybe the person who is still here is the one wearing the deo while the one who left had the B.O...which could make sense...coz if ur wearing deo youd hope that itd work to some extent...

yay again! the second person left...haha...smells much better now...altho it's kinda still there...=S

actually the last couple days have been all about smelly people...as in ive encountered smelly people...like on the train at peak hour...i was stuck next to this guy who smelt as tho he had gone drinking the night before in the clothes he was wearing and hadnt showered...and my friend was telling me that she was on sitting next to this guy who took off his shoes...and she just didnt know what to do...coz it smelt so bad, it was peak hour and he didnt seem like the type who would respond too nicely to someone telling him to put on his shoes coz his feet STINK...

i dunno...i dont think theres ANY real nice way to tell someone that they stink...it's always gonna be offensive in one way or another...and youre gonna embarass them...but like...sometimes people need to be told...ive never done it before...coz u kinda give them chances? or like...you put up with it for oneday, the next day they dont smell as much or smell alright and it keeps alternating like that? and ive found that when youve found an opening in a convo to tell them that they stink, they dont at that moment? and if youre anything like me youre pulling up all these excuses not to address the issue...so based on the fact that they dont stink at the present time, you let the opportunity go...

haha. kinda. i dunno.

dont you reckon booga is a lot easier or less offensive to bring up than B.O?

like...to tell someone that they have a bat in their cave is somehow less offensive than saying "aww...im sorry to say this...but...you dont smell too good."

LOL...maybe it has something to do with being able to fix it quickly...and booga isnt really an indication of personal hygiene...whereas smell would be wouldnt it? coz you automatically think that someone who smells hasnt had a shower or washed their clothes...but then again...the more you smell the more bacteria you have on your skin...so it's technically not a wrong assumption...but if someone has booga in their nose it's more of an indication that they dont pick it...right?

ive gone into that random babble that doesnt really make sense mode again.


  • there's no easy way to tell u this flick.... but er......

    haha jks jks

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:44 PM  

  • lol.. u're such a crack up! *shakes head*

    By Blogger Jen, at 8:30 PM  

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