
Tuesday, May 30, 2006


chain letters are so sad...i dont do them...i read them but i dont do them...and since i dont have to panic about much i checked my mail just then and this happened to be there...i have to stress once again that i DID NOT do this chain letter...but it wouldve been funny if i had done it yesterday and the highlighted at the bottom occurred (ive deleted half of it for convenience):

"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken, probably more than once, and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. So send this to all of your friends in the next 5 minutes and a miracle will happen tonight.

If u open this you HAVE to repost it, guy or girl, or you will have bad luck for the rest of your life.. If I don't get this back I guess you're not my friend, if you have a lot of love for someone, copy and send this to your whole list and in five mins your true love will call or message you.

Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they like you. Something good will happen to you at approx 1:42pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. So get ready for the biggest shock of your life.. Send this to 15 people in 15 minutes to carry on the chain...and spare yourself the emotional stress. Be careful. COPY AND PASTE, DO NOT JUST CLICK FORWARD."

AHHAHAHAHA...thats approximately the time i realised that i didnt have exams this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! ahahahaha...

ok...im just getting more and more random...this has nothing to do with much except coincidence if i had done the chain letter yesterday...but yes...

im a happy bunny atm...=)





MY EXAMS ARE NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*shakes head at self + big sigh*

yes yes...only FLICK would turn up to an exam a week early...LOL...ahahahahahha...omgshhhhhhh...ive never been so LOST in my life...i thought i had some sort of SENSE...at least i realised before actually getting to the venue (uni cant fit 600 students on the campus to do an exam so they hire the RSL club down the road)...i got on a bus and there was no one else from my uni...and it's like 20minutes before the exam is supposed to start...so there should be at the very least ONE other person i can recognise...but theres no one...so i check my phone calendar thinking "oh no...maybe it was supposed to be at 1 not 2!" but the only thing that pops up is a reminder that my friends gig is tonight...and thats when i decided to call a friend...and yeh...here i am now blogging about how stupid i am...AHAHAHAHAHAHA...


i have another week to understand what the substia nigra cells in the basal ganglia have to do with dopamine production and parkinsons disease.

Thank GOD.


hand me a trophy!!

for the greatest achievement of my uni life (so far): handing in FIVE assessments (somewhat) completed and on time on may 26, 2006...~


many thanks to God and those who prayed for me...this wouldnt have been possible without you


for those of you who are interested...i had:

-a nursing video (this was another video...different to the last one i talked about where i had to do subcutaneous injection...oh and guess what! another achievement!...i got HD for that video!!! it was a nightmare doing it!! but i know how to draw up insulin and do a subcutaneous injection! ahahha...so for those who are diabetic and needs insulin...i got a HD in the art of administering it...;P...haha) (and yes there is a disclaimer to that comment)

-a qualitative nursing research critque

-a reflective journal

-an essay reflecting on things i had learnt in the reflective journal (=S...)

-an online science test

ok ok...so it's not such a big deal...yes another aprrox. 400 people in my course had to do that too (some got exempt or extensions) but yeh...let my ego soar a little before i get my marks back with all these ugly red F's on them...=/

and my uni is so great...they really care about our health and whether we've been getting enough sleep and ensuring that our stress levels stay at a minimum level by scheduling exams on the 30th of may.

on saturday (27th) went to equip women's conference in darling harbour with cindy, deb, aunty mavis, rose, steph g and steph s (night service) really challenging talks...and reminded me that:

-mercy and love are inconvenient - it is not something that suits us and is far from benefiting us...in fact, it can and does
cause stress and exhaustion

-it costs us, not just in terms of money, but also our wants and even needs

-it cost jesus more than money to be merciful and loving to us - it was his life

-to be merciful and loving is a choice...we have to plan, be intentional and deliberate when we do these things

-mercy and love are NOT just FEELINGS

-you can say all the nicest things to a starving person and feel for them - but TALK IS CHEAP

And the most important thing i was reminded about:
-i have A LOT of work to do (not just the uni type)

after equip went to have dinner at port orient for maykes birthday and then karaoke at K world...

deb went to a birthday too...but ironically...hers was a 21st while mine was a 27th! haha...

after we walked out of K, susan told me we should hurry to the carpark coz it was gonna close at one (it was about 12:35)...but as we walked closer to it...i noticed that the door was rolled down to where the cars were supposed to go in and out...and that i couldnt see the side door to enter the carpark...and i was like "sus...is that door supposed to be down?" and shes like "what? no?...oh no...noooo...but it's not even 1??"

standing outside her majesty's theatre carpark at 12:50 with our way home stuck inside it wasnt too pleasant...funny=P...but kinda scary...thank God someone who had driven and lives our way was able to take us home...i cant imagine what we wouldve done...i wasnt too keen on taking the night ride...and at that time of night (or morning) i might as well have stayed in the city coz in church was in 7 hours...

it's good tho...both of us have learnt a lesson...haha

-*happy birthday deb!*-

Friday, May 26, 2006

random thought

wouldnt mind being in katoomba right now...(and yes it's paols...and i stole the foto from her too..and i took that picture from what i can remember - thanks paols! )

kyckstart talk six: tim bowden (revelation 21)

*we (Christians) know what is to come – we should be driven by the fact that we know what is to come

*don’t lose sight of what is to come and what we are living for - REMEMBER! This world is NOT your HOME! – the things of this world do not belong in or to heaven – they will be destroyed:

“I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.”

*how does your life reflect that you are a citizen of heaven?

*if you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

24 HOURS LEFT...two essays and a journal still to write

"Circumstances are restrictive and hampering, forcing her to forgo all joys and pleasures for the time being...feels trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way of gaining relief."
rather accurate if you ask me...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

doggle land

my dog has once again gotten pregnant and popped out lots of crying/whining things called puppies (eight to be exact) on the 24th of april…theyre either brown black or a cream sorta colour like their dad...theyre trying to walk now...and are starting to play...and are barking already...causing havoc and mess...and this is the period where you get attatched to them but dont want to deal with the craziness they are...

this baby is from the previous litter my dog had
and in all honesty the current litter is probably not as cute as the previous litter...

but how hard would it be to find a face thats as cute or cuter than that?
*-happy birthday darwin!-*

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

i hAtE...

*finding my toothbrush is soaking wet when when the last time I used it was at least 8 hours ago

*finding that i dont have any contact lenses liquid left and it's 12:30am

procrastinating again...i really enjoy it unfortunately...at least in the last fifteen minutes ive learnt what the detrusor muscle is and what it does...and that there are four types of incontinence...

nelly furtardo is back? shes so different?...i was in oporto's...and you know how they have those tv's in there playing the video clips? anyhow...maybe this is old...and i know im really outta date with this music stuff these days...so sorry if you already know and that youve known for the last month or something and im just boring you...but shes all rnb/hip hoppy?...her old music isnt classified as rnb is it?

no im not an avid fan of her music.

did you know that for people between the age of 15 to 22 years, the hepatitis B vaccination and the meningicoccal vaccination is pretty useless? for some strange reason the body makes incomplete antibodies against them between those years...so even though uve been vaccinated it doesnt necessarily mean youre immune to it...it's best to get them vaccinations when youre really young or past the age of 20-22, according to my bio tutor.

you'll never guess what i found today!! [clue: who wont be sleeping on the 24th-25th of may?]

thats right, i found another asessment for the 26th of may, which brings the total to a whopping FIVE (5)!!

anyhow...yes i know...random stuff...but theres plenty more of it to come. =)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

gribble grumble fuss find fault criminate prostest etc etc

i have a loooong post that i started even before kyckstart...but i cant be bothered to finish it...i will tho...sometime soon!

and yeh...im procrasinating atm...i have all this stuff due but i want to sit here doing nothing but whine and complain about the work i have...and go on and on about stuff...random boring stuff like the questions in the online open book exam i did...i mean who thinks of these questions?:

Tardive dyskinesia
a. can be safely ignored as it will disappear once tolerance develops
b. is the term used to describe difficulty initiating movement
c. is related to insufficient dopamine binding to receptors
d. is an extrapyramidal effect of the anxiolytics
e. is reversible

a. is a NSAID
b. is an muscarinic antagonist
c. interacts with the precentral gyrus
d. causes ototoxcin (or something like that)
e. should be taken after dinner

(i made up the largactil one...but largactil does exist...and the question was essentially the same)

and i dont know who was evil enough to decide this but i have FOUR assessments due on the 26th of may...thats right FOUR (4) ALL DUE on the SAME DAY...it's like they WANT to make it hard for us...i betcha they sit there scheming, thinking of ways to make our lives complicated and as crazy as possible...coz they KNOW we're procrasinators...they know it! they know we dont like to do work, especially essays...so what do they do? make our lives hard for us! thats what! we pay thousands of dollars for lecturers and those uni ppl who design courses to make our lives tiring.

ok...yeh i know...im being really pessimistic...and really lazy...and really evil...and really unappreciative of my course and even having the freedom/means to go to university...and im sure that there are many university students who are in the same boat, if not an even worser boat than mine...

actually i think ive reversed psychologised myself to do work...ahahah...

it's good to do work...uni isnt that bad...im just a habitually lazy person who is carelessly throwing her opportunity to the best she can at university...*sigh...makes me feel bad now...really guilty...almost to the point of deleting this post...coz yeh...u know...whatever ive said is rather...demeaning? no...whats the word...um...unappreciative comes to mind...um...discouraging!? yeh...ive been so...mean?...but yes it makes me want to work! im going to do work now! work hard everyone! coz yeh...i am!

*happy birthday cindy!*

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

foolishness is believing you know it all; stupidity is looking at it and still not getting it

+'-fliCk-'+* says:
haha last night i was tellign the girls how we argue about whose cooler and stuff
+'-fliCk-'+* says:
and theyre like
+'-fliCk-'+* says:
"omgsh...u two sound liek a couple"
+'-fliCk-'+* says:
"i betcha if one of u were a boy ud end up together"
+'-fliCk-'+* says:
+'-fliCk-'+* says:
im like...yeh yeh..maybe
+'-fliCk-'+* says:
MElOnhelOn.// uM speeCh! gahh.. says:
MElOnhelOn.// uM speeCh! gahh.. says:
that's funnyyyy!!
MElOnhelOn.// uM speeCh! gahh.. says:
i neva thought of us like that!
MElOnhelOn.// uM speeCh! gahh.. says:
+'-fliCk-'+* says:
+'-fliCk-'+* says:
im GLAD youve never thought of us like that!
+'-fliCk-'+* says:
+'-fliCk-'+* says:
id be SCARED if u did!
MElOnhelOn.// uM speeCh! gahh.. says:
hahahahha wateva! u want me!

as you can see my friend helen has problems...hahaha O_o